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Special Educational Needs

At Turnfurlong Infant School we have a named teacher with a particular responsibility for co-ordinating provision for children with Special Educational Needs. Her name is Mrs Sarah Gerhardt. She is our SENDCo.

Teachers are continually assessing the progress, learning and development of all the children that they work with every day and we regularly talk to parents about the progress that their children are making. Some children will require additional support or specific resources to enable them to access the curriculum and make good progress. 

When children are first identified as needing additional support with their learning and development we actively involve parents and carers, talking to them about what we have observed. We then seek permission from them to refer to other agencies where appropriate. This may include working with and following advice from outside agencies such as Occupational Therapists or Speech and Language Therapists. We will use this advice to make a plan for the child that has short, measurable, achievable and time-related targets that will support the child to make progress. 

Some children will join us in our nursery or Reception class with needs that have already been identified and the SENDCo and class teachers will work closely with parents, settings and other agencies to enable an effective transition to school.

Children with Special Education Needs, including children of very high ability, are integrated into the classroom and taught by their class teacher. They may also be supported on an individual and/or group basis to work on targeted interventions.

The school works to a staged model of Special Educational Needs in line with the Department of Education's Code of Practice. We call this 'assess, plan, do'. We ensure that parents are involved through the stages. Progress is monitored closely and provision is reviewed regularly.

Information about Buckinghamshire Council's Local Offer for SEND can be found here